This month theme was really hard for me, I just could not find any good idea. As French my first language, failure sounds really alike "Faille", well actually just the beginning match. I came up with a concept of a game, where the player, by rotating some rectangles pieces, have to make them pass the sort of a "Faille" in English breach. After a couple of research about the word failure, I discover that you could said that a breach is like a failure, some discussion could be done here.

I think the game is just a little prototype for some base mechanics. I was thinking that some special blocks would add a lot to the game, like red that makes the breach bigger, yellow would slow down the blocks, blue would give more points, etc. It took me three days to make the game.
Controls : Rotate with left or right keys or A n D.
Make the form going faster with Space.
Game Idea : J Tremblay
Music by : MMANNYY